We form specialized R&D teams and programs, tackling the most pressing challenges in the energy and water sectors. We also support universities and enterprises in developing and industrializing new technologies.


Development & Implementations




What can we do for you?

We implement process design and technology that guarantees a safe and uninterrupted cooling energy supply, significantly simplifying cooling systems.

Cooling Solutions Implementation



We design and implement solutions to reuse process water and waste water into valuable or safe to discharge products within existing and new technological processes.

Water Re-use Implementations


We analyze existing energy systems regarding the efficiency of cooling and heating energy production and possible water consumption, providing solutions that significantly reduce energy and water losses.

Energy & Water Efficiency Consulting


We are identifying areas in power and heat generating systems where energy could be recovered as waste heat and converted into valuable cooling energy sources.



Energy Recovery Consulting

We support you in solving any problem related to cooling production and water re-use delivering few solutions in a form of report with technical and economical studies. We provide workshops and courses about energy and water reuse technologies and novel solutions for improving energy efficiency in the cooling and water reuse field.

Problem - Solving Consulting & Workshops


We advise, thermodynamically analyze and implement poly-generation energy production systems with electrical power up to 500 kW per unit. Power, Heating, Cooling and more as a one package from one prime mover.

Power Units Consulting &  Implementation



Knowledge and Expertise Gaps in Regional Energy and Water Efficiency Initiatives

Countries striving to enhance energy and water efficiency often rely on outsourcing or acquiring knowledge from other regions, which escalates implementation costs. However, this approach needs to foster specialized expertise for the citizens of a specific country or region, thereby increasing opportunities for young generations to contribute to these sectors. Due to very intensive fluctuations in climate, regulations, and rapid technological development, it is necessary to be very flexible regarding technology development.

Countries striving to enhance energy and water efficiency often rely on outsourcing or acquiring knowledge from other regions, which escalates implementation costs. However, this approach needs to foster specialized expertise for the citizens of a specific country or region, thereby increasing opportunities for young generations to contribute to these sectors. Due to very intensive fluctuations in climate, regulations, and rapid technological development, it is necessary to be very flexible regarding technology development.

Knowledge and Expertise Gaps in Regional Energy and Water Efficiency Initiatives

Challenges in Adoption, Implementation and Industralization of Water and Energy Efficiency Related Technologies

Challenges in Adoption, Implementation and Industralization of Water and Energy Efficiency Related Technologies

Despite the myriad of problems and challenges the industry faces, there remains a significant gap in knowledge about new technologies and their implementation. This lack of understanding, coupled with a shortage of consulting professionals, hampers the swift implementation of new solutions on an industrial scale.

Resource Scarcity Amidst Growing Populations and Climate Variability

Growing population and shortening natural resources, including fossil fuels and drinking water reservoirs, including climate events like droughts, require us to develop and introduce new technologies/solutions, which, efficiently and economically, will be able to overcome the most frequent challenges identified in energy and water based aspects of societies. How we generate and manage different energy sources affects overall efficiency. The same is true for water – how we produce, use, and reuse water will affect the water cost and access to clean and safe water sources.

Sustainability and Viability Issues in Energy and Water Start-ups

Start-ups involved in new technologies are great investment opportunities. Still, many of them can only survive in first few months or years of an operation mainly because the offered solutions, despite being unique, are not readily applicable or are not solving enough segment issues, which could feed the start-up with enough resources for proper growth.

What challenges do we adress our solutions and services?

How do we want to overcome above challenges ?

Forming specialized R&D teams within dedicated units chosen to tackle the most pressing and common challenges in the energy and water sectors. 


Our approach transforms these challenges, characterized by their urgency, unavoidance, underserved, and unworkability, into actionable, defensible, and disruptive opportunities. This is achieved by grounding our efforts in well-established base technologies, the foundation for developing innovative, justifiable, and disruptive solutions through synergistic effects.


The ultimate goal is to transition these R&D teams into startups tasked with industrializing and implementing these solutions, which are, in most cases, patentable. Thus it will drive technological development and evolution in local and global markets.

What can we do for you ?

Portfolio of base technologies used for further development


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