6. What does training in water and heat recovery and modern cold production methods look like?

5. How can we develop technologies together?

4. Which methods, in my case, will be most efficient, and how much can I save on that?

3. What methods are used to recover heat and water, and what does the return on investment process depend on?

2. What does analyzing the system look like to look for opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce water consumption?

1. Are there any potential in my system to recover heat or/and water ?

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How it works ?

Contact us and ask any question related to heat or water recovery in your process or any other question related to the issue of improving the efficiency of your operations while reducing their operating costs


After announcing your willingness to contact us via the contact form, we will contact you by e-mail to arrange a convenient date for a telephone conversation or online meeting. In the same e-mail, we will ask you to describe your problem or the issue you want to discuss. Please review the most frequently asked questions asked during your free consultation below.

Within a maximum of 24 hours of contacting me, I will contact you to arrange a convenient date and form of conversation. During our meeting, I will answer all your questions. If you have questions that I cannot respond to during our discussion, I will answer them by e-mail within a maximum of 48 hours of our meeting.

© 2024 Filip Herman - all rights reserved

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Proszę wypełnić wszystkie wymagane pola!

VAT: PL5732794462


Msc. Eng. Filip Herman

+48 530 562 910



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