Water REUSE Implementations

Humanity produces large amounts of drinking and usable water based on seawater, river water, freshwater reservoirs, and springs. After it is used up, it is cleaned and discharged into the seas and oceans, releasing significant amounts of toxic substances. The consequence of this is a deteriorating environment and our health. At the same time, the water production process in some areas is challenging and costly, which affects potable water cost.

We advise implementing projects dedicated to water recovery and reuse, constituting a bridge between the client and technology suppliers, produced under our guidelines and developed by thoroughly understanding the client's needs. We create a concept and process design, select suppliers for the final solution, support the technology implementation process, and provide support during operation.

Today, we limit drinking water reserves, which increase the costs of water production and the costs of its disposal. At the same time, seas and oceans are deprived of their ability to maintain environmental balance.

High water consumption increases water costs, which affects overall operation costs.

High water consumption increases water costs, which affects overall operation costs.

Secondary Treated Effluent can be polished into conditions that make it applicable as a water source in many industries - that has the highest potential in terms of reducing water production process from rivers, seas, wells, etc.

RAS farms need safe and stable quality feed water and water recirculated to fish tanks after wastewater treatment. You can ensure safety at reduced operating costs through synergetic technologies applied to your RAS farm.

You can reuse wastewater, sewage-treated effluent, and Cooling Tower's brine discharge into valuable water sources used as a cooling tower feed water.

Produced Water and Fracking Water can be treated and reused or disposed of safely without extra fees due to the high content of organics, fats, oils, and aromatic compounds.

You buy water, use water, and pay for its discharge, so you pay multiple time and lose that irreversibly.

High discharge costs and risk of environmental pollution

We base our design on following technologies

Mechanical Filtration & Oxidation in One

Vacuum Distillation


Ozobe based Oxidation


How does it work ?

1. We are setting up an online meeting to discuss your project and understand your situation better.


2. We prepare a summary of our discussion as a report that describes your actual situation and possible solutions in a general way.


3. When we agree that we are on the same page, we will present the commercial proposal. From that point, we can start auditing your system while asking more detailed questions about your process/system.


4. The result of our work - report - will be presented to you online or in person. At that point, you will get all the technical and economical aspects of your process/system improvement possibilities. 


5. If you decide to proceed with the investment into process/system upgrade, we will support you with equipment sourcing, and we will offer project management if that is required. Our report not only shows how you can make improvements but also suggests where you can find accurate equipment necessary for project accomplishment. 


6. Ultimately, we can support you with the commissioning phase and after-sales support.


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