Cooling Solutions Implementation

We implement process design and technology that guarantees a safe and uninterrupted cooling energy supply, significantly simplifying cooling systems.

Adiabatic Cooling

Absorption Cooling

Adiabatic cooling is the most efficient cooling process. Because it primarily depends on ambient conditions, it is limited to wet bulb temperature. Based on thermodynamic analysis, we provide multi-stage solutions where adiabatic cooling can achieve temperatures below damp bulb temperature. At the same time, we help to reduce water losses through the adiabatic cooling process, reducing biocides and oxidants consumption through non-chemical water conditioning solutions. 

We help to identify waste heat in your system, available to be reused and applied as a motive heat to the absorption cooling systems. While our solutions are based on equipment characterized by very high reliability, we implement solutions based on almost non-maintenance units, overcompensating standard electrical chillers, and other absorption chillers, mainly through:


  • No risk of Lithium Bromide Crystallization


  • There is no risk of Vacuum degradation by hydrogen generation inside the unit


  • Straightforward and accurate process control


  • It can be located outside so you don't neet to build extra room for entire system

Solutions we are using 

How we can help you?

In this segment, we have identified many problems whose origins are related to climatic parameters. On this basis, we have built solutions that improve the efficiency of cooling production, reduce process water consumption, and improve the operating parameters of cooling towers.


  • We audit your existing cooling production system, and as a result, we present recovery and/or efficiency improvement options.


  • We support you during the process and executive design phase for new absorption and adiabatic cooling systems design.


  • We implement remote control systems that help to reduce downtime significantly, offering you immediate online support.


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VAT: PL5732794462

Msc. Eng. Filip Herman

+48 530 562 910



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